Bamboo Leaves Business
Bamboo Leaves Garden
Bamboo Leaves

























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                                                 Bamboo Leaf Business

Bamboo Leaves, the scientific name Indocalamus Leaves, are mainly distributed in the hilly areas of the provincessouth of the Yangtze River. In southern China, Bamboo Leaves being used for packaging rise-dumplings, is the use ofits special bamboo fragrance and naturally preservative effect. Bamboo Leaves grow in the vast mountainous areas, their developed root systems and vitality are very good for soil and water conservation. 

They're organic and ideal for food packaging.

Bamboo leaves
, growing naturally, completely organic, are not only used as a traditional rice dumplings package,now used as well for food packaging and decoration. Bamboo leaves are called “natural green food”, as to their disposable application and natural and organic value.

What do they contain?
The natural indocalamus contains a large number of polysaccharide, chlorophyll and a variety of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other ingredients beneficial to humans. They can also extract natural spiceflavors and food additives, with completely natural smelling and fragrance.

What's medicinal value?
In addition, a growing number of studies found and approved indocalamus medicinal value. There have long been documented in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there is the value of stopping bleeding, reducing swelling and detoxification,  curing vomiting of blood and carbuncles, etc.  
In recent years, studies have shown that the polysaccharide substance in Bamboo Leaves has anti-cancer effect.

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